北师大版初中英语八年级下Unit 10 expansion10-1
日期:2012-09-25 12:59


Unit 10 Jobs and Chores
Expansion 10
2 Dear Uncle Fred,
How are you?
We are all fine.
We are working very hard on our "new" house.
It's a beautiful house
but it needs a lot of work.
We've been very busy for the last few weekends.
As you remember,the yard was very dirty.
Well,we've already cleaned it up,
and we've cut the grass
but we haven't thrown out all the trash yet.
When we bought the house,
it was an ugly pink color.
Well,we've already painted all the outside walls
and we've also painted most of the rooms.
We haven't painted the bedrooms yet.
I want to paint my bedroom blue.
