北师大版初中英语八年级下Unit 9 lesson 35-1
日期:2012-09-25 12:56


Unit 9 Good Health
Lesson 35
1.3 Some people say that if you drink milk
before you go to bed,
You will have bad dreams,
but this is not true.
Milk helps you sleep better.
Exercise is very important.
If you don't exercise,you will put on weight.
You need to exercise to burn up the energy
that you get from food.
Some people say that if you eat chocolate,
you will have more energy,
but it isn't true.
You won't have more energy.
The sugar in chocolate makes you feel good,
but just for a short time.
Some people take a lot of vitamins
because they think that their health
will improve,
but this isn't always a good idea.
Sure,we all need vitamins to stay healthy.
But if you take too many,
you will make yourself sick.
Looking after your teeth is very important.
Everyone knows thatif you brush you teeth
after every meal,
your teeth will stay strong and healthy,
and if you don't brush,
you'll have problem with your teeth.
Many people drink coffee
to help them concentrate better.
For many people,coffee has this effect.
However,if you drink coffee in the evening,
you won't be able to sleep.

  • brushn. 刷子,画笔 n. 灌木丛 n. 小冲突,争吵 vt
  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物