河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 39
日期:2012-09-21 20:59


Lesson 39,1.Listen to the audio tape.
Look at these questions.
Can you choose the correct answers?
Please try.1.Li Ming says:" It is cold is not it?" Wang Mei says:" Yes, it is. It might get colder,
it might snow." 2.Mrs Brown says:" There will be a good program on TV. It is about making movies.
do not forget to watch it." 3.Brian says:" I saw Tim today, he is my good friend.
I have not seen him for many weeks. He looks great. I saw him at a restaurant.4.Danny says:" I 'm looking for Brian,
I can not find him.
Have you seen him?" Jenny says:" Yes, I saw him in the library.
He was looking up some words in the dictionary.
