河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 36
日期:2012-09-21 20:58


Lesson 36,1.Listen to the audio tape.
Fill in the blanks.
Write the words you hear.
Babble's Bike( II) Later, Babble saw Ron, the rider, walking along the sidewalk.
He had his one wheel bicycle." Do you like riding your one wheel bicycle?" Babble said to Ron.
]" No, it is hard work," said the man," and I am poor, I work hard and I make little money.
]"" I make little money too," said Babble," but I do not work hard. I fill this basket with apples.
People come and buy them from me." Ron, the rider laughed," Hu, hu ... I will give you my one wheel bicycle if you give me your basket.
" he said.

  • babblevi. 呀呀学语,喋喋不休 vi. 潺潺作声 n. 含糊
  • sidewalkn. 人行道 =pavement(英)
  • wheeln. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转 vi. 旋转,转动