日期:2012-09-08 18:59


Their names are Lily and Lucy.
They are twins.
They are eleven .
They are American.
Lily and Lucy are sisters.
They are eleven They look the same.
They were born on the same day.
They are twins.
Today we have two new students. Their names are Lily and Lucy.
They are American. Er, this is Lucy, and er, this is Lily.
I'm not Lily. I'm Lucy. She's Lily.
Sorry! You look the same.
They are American. hey are not English. I am Chinese.
I am Chinese.
You are Chinese, too. We are all Chinese.
We are not English . We are not American.
Welcome to our class.
Welcome to China!
Welcome to Beijing!
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Good morning class!
Who's on duty today? I am.
Are we all here? No.
Who isn't at school today?
Li Ming and Wei Fang.
Where are they? I don't know.
nThey aren't here. I think they are at home

  • fangn. 尖牙
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花