UNIT 3 Having Fun in Beijing Lesson 21
日期:2012-09-07 17:41


Having Fun in Beijing
Lesson 21
Sending an E-mail
Do you have a computer?
Where can you buy one?
Do you use e-mail?
Who do you like to send e-mail to?
When will Danny go home?
Excuse me. 劳驾。
Does the hotel have a computer? 宾馆有电脑吗?
Yes! I can show you. 是的,我告诉你在哪里。
Go straight down this hall. 沿着大厅,直走。
Here it is! 在这里!
Great! May I send my friend an e-mail? 太棒了!我可以给我朋友发一封电子邮件吗?
Yes, it is five yuan per hour. 可以,五块钱一小时。
Okay! Thanks! 好的,谢谢!
You're welcome. 不用谢。
From: 自:
To: 到:
Thursday, February 4th 星期四,二月四日
Hi Steven, 你好,史蒂夫,
I am in Beijing. 我在北京。
It is great here! 这里太好了。
But there are no donuts! 但是这里没有油炸圈。
How's the weather in Canada? 加拿大的天气怎么样?
It is sunny in Beijing. 北京是晴天。
I am coming home to Canada on February 6th. 我准备二月六日回加拿大。
See you soon, 到时候见。
Danny 丹尼
Let's sing a song! 唱一唱
I write you a postcard. 我给你写了一张明信片。
I send it to you. 我寄给你。
Here's your address on it, 在上边写上你的地址,
And a picture, too. 还有一幅图片。
I write you a letter, 我给你写了一封信,
On paper with a pen. 用钢笔在纸上写的。
I put it in an envelope, 我把它装进一个信封,
For you again. 再寄给你。
Don't forget the stamp! 不要忘记邮票!
Where do you think it goes? 你知道贴在哪里吗?
In the top, right corner. 在右上角。
Yes! We know! 是的,我们知道。
Don't forget the stamp! 不要忘记邮票!
Where do you think it goes? 你知道贴在哪里吗?
In the top, right corner. 在右上角。
Yes! We know! 是的,我们知道。
I write you an e-mail. 我给你发了一封电子邮件。
Where do I write my name? 我把我的名字写在哪里?
Write it on the bottom. 写在下面。
At the top, the day. 上面写日期。
I don't need a stamp! 我不需要邮票。
No envelope, no pen! 不需要信封,不需要钢笔!
My computer sends it all, 我的电脑把它发给你,
To you, my friend. 我的朋友。
How do you like to send messages to your friends? 你喜欢给你的朋友们发信息吗?
By postcard, letter or e-mail? 通过明信片,信还是电子邮件?
Why? 为什么?

  • addressn. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧 vt.
  • stampn. 邮票,图章,印,跺脚 v. 跺脚,盖章
  • envelopen. 信封,封皮,壳层