UNIT 3 Having Fun in Beijing Lesson 19
日期:2012-09-07 17:41


Having Fun in Beijing
Lesson 19
The Palace Museum
What do you know about the Palace Museum?
Do you want to live there?
Why or why not?
What happens to Danny?
It's sunny on Wednesday. 星期三,晴天。
Danny, Jenny and Li Ming go to the Palace Museum. 丹尼,珍妮和李明一起去故宫。
The sky is blue. 天很蓝。
The palace is red and yellow. 宫殿是由红色和黄色构成的。
It's beautiful! 太漂亮了!
What are you doing, Jenny? 珍妮,你在干什么啊?
I'm putting film in my camera. 我在装胶卷。
May I take your picture, Danny? 丹尼,我能给你拍个照吗?
I want to take a picture. 我想照一张相。
May I have your camera, Jenny? 珍妮,我能借用一下你的照相机吗?
Sure. 当然可以。
May I help you take a picture? 要我帮你拍吗?
No, thanks! 不,谢谢。
Cameras are easy! 相机很简单。
Oh, no! 哦,不!
This is hard! 太难了!
Help! Help! 帮帮我,帮帮我。
Poor Danny! Are you okay? 可怜的丹尼,你还好吗?
No! I hurt my nose! 不,我伤了我的鼻子。
Don't worry. 别着急,
We can help you! 我们能帮你!
Here's a bandage for your nose. 这里有一条绷带。
(Jenny puts new film in her camera. ) 珍妮又装了一个新胶卷。
May I take a picture for you, Jenny? 珍妮,我能拍一张你的照片吗?
Sure! 当然。
I want your picture, too, Li Ming. 我也想要你的照片,李明。
Please stand beside Jenny. 站在珍妮旁边。
Okay! Smile! 好的,笑一笑!
Danny! Be careful! 丹尼,小心!
Help! I'm falling! 救命!我摔倒了。
Danny falls! 丹尼摔倒了!
He breaks his tail! 他摔伤了他的尾巴!
Poor Danny! 可怜的丹尼!
In a small group, write a dialogue about taking pictures.
Where are you taking pictures?
What funny things happen?
