UNIT 2 On the Train Lesson 15
日期:2012-09-07 17:39


On the Train
Lesson 15
Arriving in Beijing
Have you ever been in a very crowded place?
How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in your city?
How does Danny feel at the train station?
Here we are. 我们到了。
Beijing West Railway Station! 北京西站!
Wow! 喔!
There are so many men, women and children at the station! 车站有这么多男人,女人和小孩啊!
I am a little scared! 我有点害怕了。
You're right, Danny! 不错,丹尼。
There must be hundreds. 肯定有几百人。
No, thousands. 不,上千人。
I'm very scared! 我非常害怕。
Take care of your suitcases, everyone. 每个人照顾好自己的行李。
What are those people doing? 这些人在做什么呢?
These men are buying tickets. 这些男的正在买票。
Those women are selling hotel rooms. 那些女的正在介绍旅馆。
And what is that child doing? 那个小孩在做什么?
She is scared, too. 她也很害怕。
Maybe she is looking for her mother. 也许她正在找她的妈妈。
Oh, hurry! 哦,快点!
Let's get a taxi! 我们叫辆出租车!
I'm scared! 真可怕!
Danny! 丹尼,
Slow down! 慢点!
Wait, Danny. 等等,丹尼。
I am trying to find a hotel. 我找家旅馆。
Okay, Mrs. Li. 好的,李太太。
I'm scared! 真可怕!
That's okay, Danny. 没什么,丹尼。
Wait here. 在这等着。
I will find a hotel. 我去找家旅馆。
Then we will take a taxi. 然后就乘出租车。
Learning Tips 知识点
Boys and girls are children. 男孩和女孩们可以称为孩子。
Men, women and children are people. 男人,女人和孩子们可以称为人们。
Work with a partner.
Write a dialogue.
One of you is arriving in a city.
You need a hotel room.
The other person is selling hotel rooms.
Practice your dialogue and present it to your classmates.
