日期:2012-09-06 17:24


Match and write
Match the infinitives with the adverbs in the box below.
You may use the adverbs more than once.
Then write a dialogue using some of the infinitive phrases like those in the dialogue below.
I'm going to imprive myself this year.
Really? What do you want to do?
I want to learn how to run quickly and to eat healthily.
Anything else?
Yes .I also want to bike more carefully and to speak Chinese more clearly.
What about you?
Me?I want to remember clearly.
What do you want to remember so clearly?
How you're going to improve yourself this year!
to work to speak to sing to look to think to plan
well early quickly happily quietly safely
to work to speak to sing to look to think
to remember to live to reply to teach to learn to walk
loudly clearly beautifully nicely carefully slowly
Read and act
Hello.Is Tina there?
Hello,Ann.This is Tina.
Could I borrow your CD player tomorrow,please?
Sorry,It's not a very good line.
Could you speak more loudly,please?
Sure.I said,could I borrow your CD player,please?Mine's broken.
Of course.When do you want it?
Tomorrow if possible.
OK.I'll bring it to school in the morning.
Who was that?
It was Ann.
Why were you shouting?
The line was bad.We couldn't hear each other clearly.
What did she want?
She wanted to borrow my CD player.
Why didn't you tell her to use her own?
She said hers was broken.
I know you're going to make it.
It may take time and hard work.
You may become frustrated,
And at times you'll feel like giving up.
I know you're going to make it.
It may take time and hard work.
You may become frustrated,
And at times you'll feel like giving up.
Sometimes you may even wonder if it's really worth it.
But I have confidence in you,
And I know you'll make it,if you try. Amanda Pierce

  • piercen. 皮尔斯 v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握