北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 5 Sports and Games lesson 17-1
日期:2012-09-05 09:45


Unit 5 Sports and Games
Lesson 17
Exercise 1.1
For boys ,there are ten events over two days.
On the first day there is the 100-meter race,
the long jump, the shot put, the high jump and
the 400-meter run.
on the second day ,there is the 110-meter
hurdles race,200-meter run , the 800-meter run,
the 1500-meter run, and the 3000-meter run .
The girl's competition has ,
seven events over two days.
The events are the 100-meter hurdles,
the shot put,the high jump ,the long jump,
the 200-meter run ,the 800-meter run
and the 100-meter run.
Exercise 1.2
So,Gary,what do you think?
Hey, it's easy! I can do it all.
Sure! I'm good at running ,right ?
I run 100-meter race in 12 seconds.
That's fast.What about 400-meter run?
I can run that ,too.
Okay ,but what about the other events?
Can you do the high jump?
Yes,I can .And I can do the long jump,too.
Do you know how to run the 110-meter hurdles?
Well...not really. You know, it's not easy...
And the shot put,Gray?
