日期:2012-08-29 13:27



1) Julia wanted to be ____ .
a) a dancer
b) an artist

2) It is ____ a passion.
a) still
b) no longer

3) She talks about it being difficult to _____ .
a) find time to develop
b) support a family

Topic:what did you want to be as a kid?
Hi, my name is Julia, I'm from the UK and my question is what did you want to be as a kid?

Well when I was a child, I really wanted to be an artist and that's one of those dreams that, I don't know, being an artist seemed so attractive and romantic and interesting when I was a child but I guess you have to have a certain amount of skill and even though I would still quite like to be an artist, I really don't think that I could support myself and my family on my abilities as an artist. So I think art for me is still a passion and a hobby but in fact I became a teacher. It was a more practical profession for me.

b a b

  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • attractiveadj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • passionn. 激情,酷爱