日期:2012-08-20 12:04




Answer the following questions about the video.

1) He ____ when he has special cravings.
a) cooks
b) eats out

2) When he cooks he has ____ portions.
a) smaller
b) larger

3) When he cooks he can have _____ .
a) seconds
b) leftovers

Topic:do your prefer to cook or eat out?
Diego: Hello, this is Diego from Mexico

Elena: And Elena from Bulgaria

Elena: Today's question is do your prefer to cook or eat out?

Diego: I have to say I prefer to cook. The reason why is because I really know what I like to eat and sometimes I have these really specific cravings so everything that I want to eat, I just go the supermarket, buy it, and then mix it into something, and then it turns out to be really good because I put in all the ingredients that I wanted to eat in the first place.

Elena: And usually it's a lot healthier, too.

Diego: Yeah. Besides being healthier, it's also cheaper and the portions are bigger and sometimes you can have leftovers for the next day for lunch of something like that, so I don't know. I guess if you're a student and you put all of this factors together, I guess the answer is really simple. It's better to cook.

a b b
