Nopain, no gain.我们的安排是这样的,第一遍用听力软件精听材料(建议做单句听写,听写的时候不要偷看我给的挖空题),然后按照我给的挖空题填关键词,回复后即可看到听力原文和文章精解,我将把难点和易错点oneby one 分析给大家。
Human populations near the equator haveevolved dark skin over many generations because of exposure to the fierce raysof the Sun. A similar phenomenon has also occurred in other parts of the animalkingdom. The African grass mouse is a good example. Most mice are______,but the African grass mouse is active during daylight hours. This means that itspends its days searching for food in the semidry bush and______habitats of eastern andsouthern Africa. Its______is______, like a______, which helps it blend in withits environment. Because it spends a lot of time in the intense______sun, the grass mouse has also evolved two separate safeguards against the Sun's______radiation. First, like the populations of humans in this region of the world,the skin of the grass mouse contains lots of______, or dark______. Second, and quite unusual,this mouse has a layer of melanin-pigmented______between its______and skin. This unique "cap" provides an extra measure of protectionfor the grass mouse and three other types of African mouse-like rodents thatare active during the day. The only other species scientists have identifiedwith the same sort of skull adaptation is the white tent-making bat of theCentral American tropics. Although these bats sleep during the day, they do socurled up with their heads exposed to the sun.
- nocturnal:adj. 夜行的,夜间活动的
- scrub: n. 矮树,灌丛
- fur: n. 毛皮
- stripe: v. 划条纹
- chipmunk: n. [C]花栗鼠
- tropical: adj. 热带的
- ultraviolet:adj. 紫外线的
- melanin: n. [C]黑色素
- pigment: n. [C]色素
- tissue: n. [C]【生】组织
- skull: n. [C]头骨
Human populations near theequator have evolved dark skin over many generations because of exposure to thefierce rays of the Sun. A similar phenomenon has also occurred in other partsof the animal kingdom. The African grass mouse is a good example. Most mice arenocturnal, but the African grass mouse is active during daylight hours. Thismeans that it spends its days searching for food in the semidry bush and scrubhabitats of eastern and southern Africa. Its fur is striped, like a chipmunk's,which helps it blend in with its environment. Because it spends a lot of timein the intense tropical sun, the grass mouse has also evolved two separatesafeguards against the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. First, like the populationsof humans in this region of the world, the skin of the grass mouse containslots of melanin, or dark pigment. Second, and quite unusual, this mouse has alayer of melanin-pigmented tissue between its skull and skin. This unique"cap" provides an extra measure of protection for the grass mouse andthree other types of African mouselike rodents that are active during the day.The only other species scientists have identified with the same sort of skulladaption is the white tent-making bat of the Central American tropics. Althoughthese bats sleep during the day, they do so curled up with their heads exposedto the sun.
1. equator 这个单词很常见,相信大家并不陌生,赤道的意思,与之相对的,dipole ,也就是两极。相应的,大家可以记一下相关词汇入热带亚热带寒带等等,在此不多说。
2. nocturnal 是这一期的小难点,卡住不少人。有很多人听成了not 什么什么,其实是夜间的的意思,经常用来形容夜行动物。与之相对的,diurnal,当然也就是日间的的意思。记词要记一对儿。
3. striped 形容词一枚,有条纹的,有斑纹的。U cannot change the stripesof zebra. 江山易改,本性难移啊。你能改变斑马的条纹吗?就是这个意思。
4. tropical 我在1中说道的关于气候带的各种单词之一,热带的。类型词汇请大家自行总结。
5. ultraviolet radiation 难点哦,紫外辐射,也就是紫外线。女生们夏天用的防晒霜上的UV,就是ultraviolet的缩写。类似词汇UVB,即ultraviolet radiation b,短波紫外线,女生们看看你们的防晒霜上,一定有这个。顾名思义UVA,ultraviolet radiation A,长波紫外线。这两种都是目前防晒霜标榜的against的东西。最后一个,SPF,SunProtection Factor 防晒指数。这些词十分生活化,记不住自觉面壁。
6. melanin, or dark pigment 其实or后面就是对前者的描述而已,意思就是黑色素。英文中经常用or后解释前面的名词,在这里很多人都误解了。
7. This mouse has a layer of melanin-pigmented tissue between its skull andskin. 这种老鼠的颅骨和头皮之间具有一层黑色素有色组织。skull 很多同学没有听出来,这就是骷髅头么,学名:颅骨是也。相关词汇:skeleton 骨架 ;melanin-pigmented tissue 典型的名词+形容词修饰后有名词,翻译出来就是黑色素着色的tissue,组织,不是纸巾哦。
8. 大家听力也要注意听出时态,这很重要。再者,翻译时词的意思一定要准确,譬如本文中的unique不能翻译成唯一的。。
我们已经了解了两类无法飞行的现代大型鸟类:鸸鹋(拼音读作“er miao”)和鸵鸟。这里有一件有意思的老标本。这只标本看起来像一只硕大的企鹅,但实际上它是海雀。这种鸟非常稀少,已知的现存标本数量只有78只,而且绝大多数都没有这只保存完好。正如大家所见到的,大海雀的体型庞大,同样不能飞。但是,有证据表明,海雀曾经是优秀的游泳和潜水选手。不幸的是,这些能力并没有帮助它们逃脱被饥饿的水手们吃掉的厄运——多年前,许多水手曾造访过冰天雪地的格陵兰岛、冰岛以及苏格兰。实际上,根据记载,海雀的肉十分美味,它的蛋……不好意思……它的蛋和羽毛也十分有用。至今,我们仍不清楚这种大型鸟类在1844年左右灭绝的原因——1844年是最后一次有报道称有人目击到这种鸟类。当然,对我们而言,重要的是要格外小心地保护好这些仅存的海雀标本。毕竟,这些标本对于未来的科学研究意义重大。