创新国际英语教程Book 2 Unit 13:Sightseeing
日期:2012-04-26 19:34


13 Sightseeing
1.I was thinking of trying some of the local food.Can you recommend anywhere?
Well,you could try Agut.It's a great restaurant near the port,they do great fish.
2.I was thinking of buying a few souvenirs.Can you recommend anywhere?
Well,you could try Jalan Surabaya.It's a big long street market in town.
You can find some real bargains.
3.I was thinking of going to an art gallery.Can you recommend anywhere?
Well,you could try the National Portrait Gallery.
It's got some beautiful paintings and photos.
4.I was thinking of going out to see a show or something tonight.
Can you recommend anywhere?
Well.you could try one of the theatres off Broadway.
They have some great plays on there sometimes.
5.I was thinking of going to have a look round a museum or somewhere like that,
Can you recommend anywhere?Well,you could try the British Museum.
It's got a great collection of ancient artefacts.
6.I was thinking of maybe getting a bit of exercise later.
Can you recommend anywhere?
Well,you could try Shinjuku park.It's a nice place for a jog.
7.I was thinking of doing a bit of sightseeing.Can you recommend anywhere?
Well,you could go up to the big Buddhist temple.It's beautiful.
It dates back to the tenth century.
8.I was thinking of taking the chirdren somewhere.Can you recommend anywhere?
Well,you could try Parc-Asterix.just outside the city.It's a really fun theme park.
5 What's it like?
1.Have you been to that club in the centre of town?
No.why?What's it like?It's a bit of a rip-off,actually,
it's ten pounds to get in and then all the drinks are four or five pounds each!
I'd give it a miss if I were you.
Oh,right.Thanks for letting me know.
2.Have you been to that new Portuguese restaurant in the Old Town yet?
No,why?What is it like?Oh,it's great.It's the best place to eat in town.
They do great seafood.It's well worth a visit.
Oh,right.Thanks for telling me.I'll give a try when I get the chance.
3.Have you been to that amusement arcade on the sea front?
No.why?What's it like?
It's a bit of a tourist trap,to be honest.
It's full of holidaymakers wasting all their money.
I'd give it a miss if I were you.Oh,right.Thanks for letting me know.
4.Have you been to that fast food place just round the corner from here?
No.why?What's like?It's a really horrible place.
The food's disgusting and the service is awful.
I'd give it a miss if I were you.
Oh,right.Thanks for letting me know.
5.Have you been to Summertown yet,where Louis lives?
No.why?What's it like?
To be honest,it's a bit of a rough area.There was a shooting there last week.
I'd give it a miss if I were you.
Oh,right.Thanks for letting me know.
6.Have you been to that street market that they have every Saturday?
No.why?What's it like?
Oh,it's great.You can pick up some real bargains there.
I got this bag there for only eight pounds.It's well worth a visit.
Oh,right.Thanks for telling me.I'll go down there when I get the chance.
7.Have you been up to the top of Arthur's Seat yet,
that big hill in the middle of town?
No.Why?What's like?Oh,it's amazing!You get a great view of the city from up there.
It's well worth a visit.
Oh,right.Thanks for telling me.I'll go up there when I get the chance.
8.Have you been to the Ronald Gallery in Rye Street?
NO.Why?What's it like?Oh,it's a nice gallery.
There's great exhibition on there at the moment.It's well worth a visit.
Oh,right.Thanks for telling me.
I'll go and have a look at it when I get the chance.
A day out
Morning.David.victoria.Do you mind if we join you?
Hi,Kylie.No.of course not.Go ahead.Did you sleep well?
Yes,very well.thanks.They're lovely rooms.aren't they?Really comfortable.
Wonderful.We've got a great view of the river from ours.
Have you?We can only see the car park from ours.
That's a shame.So,what are you planning to do today?
We haven't really thought about it.have we Jason?No.
We'll probably just take it easy this morning,
you know,go and have a wander round the shops.Yeah.
We might go to the Picasso exhibition at the Louvre this afternoon.
It depends what the queues are like.I've heard it gets very busy.
A friend of ours went and she said she had to wait for over an hour to get in.
Isn't that right.Jason?Yeah.
So.what are you two doing today?Any plans?
Yeah.we're going to up the Eiffel Tower this morning
and then we're going to for a cruise down the river.
We don't really like art galleries and museums and things like that,do we,Victoria?
No.Right.Well.it sounds like a nice day.anyway.I hope it doesn't rain for you.
Why?What's the forecast?
Well,they said it's going to rain this morning,but it might clear up later.
Well.it was OK when we got up.
Are you going to eat here tonight?
I don't know.We might go out,it depends what time we get back this afternoon.
And how much money you spend shopping .
Hm.Why?What are you doing tonight?
Well.we've booked a table at a restaurant on the Champs Elysee.
It's supposed to be amazing.You're welcome to join us,if you like.
That's very kind of you.We probably will.won't we,Jason?
Hm.it sounds a bit expensive.Don't be silly,we can afford it.
As I say,it depends how much you spend when we wander round the shops.
5 Pronunciation:linking
It depends if I get up early.
It depends when I start in the morning.
Maybe.It depends how I feel.
Maybe.It depends how much time we've time.
Maybe.It depends what time the film finishes.
Maybe.It depends how tired I am.
Maybe.It depends how long it'll take.
Maybe.It depends what time I get home.
Maybe.It depends whether I get back in time or not.
Maybe.It depends what kind of thing you like.
Maybe.It depends whether I've got paid or not.

  • roughadj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的
  • galleryn. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间
  • pronunciationn. 发音
  • portraitn. 肖像,画像 adj. (文件页面)竖的
  • trapn. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车 v. 设圈套,陷入
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • forecastn. 预测,预报 v. 预测
  • wandervi. 徘徊,漫步,闲逛,迷路,蜿蜒 vt. 漫步于 n
  • exhibitionn. 展示,展览
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐