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日期:2011-12-07 09:51


1. People Need You. There's always someone who relies on you, no matter what type of work you do.
The public rely on the toilet cleaners to keep the toilets fresh. The public rely on the trash-men to remove their unwanted garbage. The public rely on the fast-food trainee to provide them with easy, stress-free food. So recognize that there are those who need you to do a good job. Please don't let them down.
2. Plan Out Your Day. Often, we'll find a day disappears as quickly as it arrived because we got bogged down with minor chores and emergencies that kept appearing. These minor fires mean we don’t get to tackle the much bigger fires, which would give us a lot more satisfaction.
What's the best way to deal with this? Plan out your day. At the end of your shift, decide what ‘major fires’need putting out tomorrow. Plan out when you'll tackle these major issues, and then stick to that plan no matter what little embers may pop up.
3. Do something different. Consistency is a good thing to have at work. But what isn't good to have is the same routine, day after day after day. It drags you down, it makes you tired early in the day, and it kills any motivation you have for the job.
Do something different! Step out of your routine and take a fresh look at things. Inject some variety into your days, even if it's something as simple as taking a different route to work.
4. Talk With Your Colleagues. It amazes me sometimes how little some people actually know about their work colleagues.
Your colleagues are not robots. They're other human beings too, breathing and talking and trying to make a living, just like you. So treat them as human beings. Get to know them a bit better each day by asking a different question, or by starting a new topic. Share experiences with them, and they'll realize that you're human too, and that it's OK to talk with each other about something other than work.
5. Take Pride. Warren Buffett said, There will never be a greater you, than you. Only you can be truly satisfied with the work you do. So take pride in this work, and see that no-one else can do the job as well as you can.

  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • removev. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除,间距
  • unwantedadj. 不必要的,空闲的
  • shiftn. 交换,变化,移动,接班者 v. 更替,移转,变声
  • traineen. 练习生,新兵,训练中的动物
  • routen. 路线,(固定)线路,途径 vt. 为 ... 安排
  • satisfactionn. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信
  • recognizevt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激
  • injectv. 注射
  • routinen. 例行公事,常规,无聊 adj. 常规的,例行的,乏