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日期:2011-09-26 09:23


Part One
  Lily: I owe you an apology, Mr. Steven. 对不起,史蒂文先生。
  Steven: What do you mean, Lily? 莉莉,怎么了?
  Lily: I'm terribly sorry about the appointment last Thursday. I hope you'll excuse me. 对于上周四的约会我很抱歉。希望你能原谅我。
  Steven: Forget it. I'd have done exactly as you did if I had been in your situation. 算了吧,如果我在你的角度,我觉得你做得很对。
  Lily: That's very kind of you to say so. 你这么说真是太好了。

Part two
  Eva: Sorry to be late. I was caught up in a traffic jam. Am I the last guest to arrive? 对不起我迟到了。真不巧赶上了一场交通拥堵。我是最后一个到的吗?
  John: Yes, VIPs always are. So it's quite all right. And you're a very important person at this party. 是的,重要人物都是这样的。没关系了,你是这个晚会最重要的一个人。
  Eva: Oh, please don't! 哦,千万别。
  John: I was just kidding. We've been expecting you all this time! 我在开玩笑。

Part Three
  Annie: Sorry to have kept you waiting, Eva. I was answering an overseas call. 对不起,伊娃,让你久等了。我刚才接听一个海外电话。
  Eva: It's all right. You must be a very busy general manager. 没关系,你一定是个非常忙的总经理。
  Annie: Well, I hope you weren't bored while I was on the phone. 哦,我希望我在打电话的时候你没有那么烦闷。
  Eva: No. I was reading this new brochure of yours, you see. I'm very much interested in your new product. 一点也不,你知道的,我在读你的最新手册。我对你的新产品非常感兴趣。
  • apologyn. 道歉;勉强的替代物
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花
  • brochuren. 小册子