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日期:2011-09-19 09:19


Polished, Professional Looks 专业而漂亮的穿着

Getting dressed for the office doesn't mean leaving your personal style behind. Find out which looks give you a polished, professional look and which fashions can be a career killer. 上班的穿着并不是说要放弃你的个人造型。知道怎样打扮能让你看起来精炼,职业,会让你成为职业杀手。

Polished, Not Fashion Victim 精炼,而不是时尚的受害者

Your goal to getting dressed for work is to project a professional, competent image, regardless of your employement level or career path. 不管你的职位等级或者职业道路如何,你的职业穿着都是为了给人一种专业,称职的印象。

The styles, colors, lengths and fit of your fashion choices will speak volumes about your ability to do your job. If you are concerned about your career, you'll be more concerned with looking professional than looking cute or trendy. 你选择的时尚造型,衣物颜色,裙摆长度和对你的适合度都是对你工作能力的一定表达。如果你关心自己的事业,你就要多花点心思让自己看起来更职业,而不是可爱或新潮。

In general, the more distracting a piece of clothing or jewelry is, the less appropriate it is for office wear. 一般情况下,越是分散注意力的衣服或珠宝,越不适合办公室着装。

More guidelines to looking polished: 看起来精炼的更多指导:

1. Color plays a big part in professional image. Traditional career colors include red (aggressive), navy(trustworthy), gray (conservative) and black (chic). Most of these colors work well in pantsuits, skirts and shoes and mix back with softer feminine colors that are appropriate like ice blue, lilac, soft pink and ivory. Loud colors like hot pink and wild prints are much riskier in the office, but some creative types can still pull them off.


2. Jewelry that jangles (chandelier earrings, stacks of bangles) is distracting. Opt for stud earrings or single bracelets.


3. Slouchyhandbags look sloppy. Choose structured styles that project an organized image.


4. Most of what constitutes a polished image is in the details: manicured nails, run-free hose, scuff-free shoes, neat hair.


5. Fit is everything when you are talking about tailored work clothes. Pants should be fitted, but free of visible panty lines. Skirts, especially straight styles like pencil skirts, should be loose enough to sit down in comfortably. Jackets should be able to be buttoned. And blouses shouldn't gap between buttonholes.


6. Designer labels are great, but heavily logoed clothing and accessories look cluttered and frivolous in the work place. A small designer bag is fine; a logo trench coat looks ridiculous. Choose well-made items that are free from obvious designer labels for the most professional look.


Dress Like Your (Female) Boss 模仿你上司的穿着

Don't know where to start working on your career image? You're not alone because most companies don't have specific guidelines about what to wear to work. 不知道从哪里开始打扮来塑造你的职业形象?你并不是独自一人,因为很多公司对工作上的着装都没有特别的指导规定。

One of the best clues to company dress codes is what your boss wears. Just think about the styles that the highest-level woman in your organization wears and use them in your wardrobe. Does she wear mostly skirt suits? Or does she rely on pantsuits? Does she wear hoseor bare legs? Open-toed shoes or pumps? 公司着装样式最好的线索就是你上司的穿着。想想在你公司中高层女上司的穿衣风格,然后模仿他们穿着。她经常穿套裙吗?还是便服?她是穿长筒袜还是不穿?她穿拖鞋还是高跟鞋?

If you don't have a reliable female executive to emulate, then trade on what the men are wearing. If they don suits and ties every day, your best bet is to use pantsuits and skirtsuits: the most formal of business looks. 如果你没有这样的高层女上司可以模仿的话,那就看看男上司的穿着吧。如果他们每天都是穿西装打领带,你最好穿套装和裙子。这是最专业的职业装。

Some organizations encourage employees to dress as well or better than their customers, especially for sales people and others that meet clients outside the office. For information technology professionals, this may mean corporate casual (more on this below), for pharmeceutical sales it may mean a pantsuit, for a lawyer it may mean a matched skirt suit. One way to always be prepared is to keep an extra "meet the client" outfit at the office for surprise meetings. 有的公司鼓励职员穿得和客户一样好或者比客户要好,特别是销售职员,以及外出拜访客户的职员。例如对信息技术人员来说,就是要穿得比较随意,而对销售人员来说就是要穿正式的套装了,而律师就要穿相匹配的专业套裙。最保险的方法是在办公室里准备一套接见客户套装以备突然的会议。

Unlike a fashion fauxpas, a career killer outfit can do your professional image permanent damage. 与时装过失不同,职场杀手会给你的职业形象带来永久性的伤害。

Looks to avoid in the workplace: 职场严禁穿着:

1. Too sexy: see-through lace, miniskirts, spaghetti straps, sheer sundresses, strappy stiletto sandals.


2. Too casual: jeans, shorts, T-shirts, hats, sneakers.


Business Dress Codes 商业着装模范

1. Formal Business Attire- For women this constitutes business suits (a matched skirt and jackets) and, in most workplaces, pantsuits (matched pants and blazer). Closed-toe shoes (no sandals), blouses, hose and conservative hair, jewelry and makeup are expected.


2. Corporate Casual Looks-Working women have interpreted this to mean everything from shorts to sundresses, but in its most literal sense it means "smart business." Dressy pants and a blouse, sleekjerseyknits and skirts and tops are all examples of corporate casual. Denim, T-shirts and flip-flops -- all '90s phenoms -- are only acceptable in the most casual of work environments.


3. Casual Friday - Depending on the business, this can mean anything from corporate casual instead of formal looks or "Wear your company logo polo and jeans." If in doubt, ask a superior.


  • frivolousadj. 轻佻的,妄动的,琐碎的 adj. 无足轻重的
  • professionaladj. 职业的,专业的,专门的 n. 专业人员
  • superiorn. 上级,高手,上标 adj. 上层的,上好的,出众的
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • reliableadj. 可靠的,可信的
  • chandeliern. 枝形吊灯(烛台)
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • ridiculousadj. 荒谬的,可笑的
  • designern. 设计者
  • visibleadj. 可见的,看得见的 n. 可见物