学英语环游世界 第592期(MP3+文本):高雄有哪些常見的犯罪
日期:2021-06-01 08:18


Failure is an answer.

Rejection is an answer.

Regret is an eternal question you will never have the answer to. ‘What if…’’If only…’’I wonder what would have…’

You will never, never know, and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.






Ok. I had to look this up because in the six years that I've been here, I have hardly not witnessed any crime in front of me. I had my bicycle, a really old bicycle stolen once by a homeless person and the police got it back for me. So nothing that so far has happened to me, knock on wood. Uh, but if the crime that does exist, I would say maybe it's DUI driving while intoxicated and maybe some gang related shootings, but I personally have not witnessed this. It's only come up in the news, so I know it does exist, but for me it does not make any impact on my life, does not affect me.



Uh, well like most of Taiwan, uh, petty crime is very rare, so it's very unlikely that you will have anything stolen or anything like that. And also because of the nature of Taiwanese culture there's very little aggressiveness or confrontation, which is obviously a great thing. It means that people don't, you know, outwardly show their aggression and get into fights very often. So I don't see much crime. I think most of the crime might be basic things like traffic violations and then some things that you don't see maybe in the government side or official side, that kind of thing.


明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:If you could change one thing in Kaohsiung, what would you change and why? 如果你可以改變高雄的一件事情,那會是什麼呢?為什麼?
