学英语环游世界 第589期(MP3+文本):外國人喜歡台灣美食嗎
日期:2021-05-27 09:52


為台灣疫情祈福 X 聽Podcast學英語環遊世界,現在用你的IG帳號 Tag (@flywithlily)你在Apple Podcast 五星評價留言,就可以得到一張台灣造型的明信片!

You are what you eat. So don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake.


他們會回答這個問題:Do you like the food in Kaohsiung? 你喜歡高雄食物嗎?


Yes, I do. Uh, besides Taiwanese food, there is a lot of different variety. You can get Italian food. There's authentic Neapolitan pizza that I know of. There are authentic tacos from an Argentinian vendor. There's Israeli food. There's lots of different ethnic and international, um, cuisine also besides the native Taiwanese flavors and also constantly new kinds of snacks or foods appearing in places like the night markets.



Nope. I don't like the food anywhere in Taiwan. Um, any restaurant food, any of the so-called traditional foods, any of the street snacks. Uh, I think it's all, it's all pretty much junk food and I try not to eat it.


明天的內容是:他們會回答這個問題:Do tourists visit Kaohsiung frequently? 有遊客會來高雄觀光嗎?

