学英语环游世界 第557期(MP3+文本):保证旅程不会无聊
日期:2021-04-09 08:15


I don't know where I'm going but I promise it won't be boring. 我不知道我要哪个地方,但是我保证那不会无聊。

That night, Yann prepared dinner and we had a great chat about his previous guests, and the volunteer work he had done in Madagascar. He learned while he was there how delicious the food was and he had a special batch of chilis he had brought back. I had some of the chilis and I loved it. Then we went to his home office and planned my trip for the next day. Yann said the best way to travel in small towns in Switzerland is actually by hitchhiking. He then wrote Montreux on a piece of cardboard and insisted I take it with me. Though I decided against hitchhiking because I’m a bit timid, I was grateful for his help.


I got up around 8am, and Yann had already sent me a text message that he had prepared breakfast for me downstairs. I went down and saw yogurt and toast laid on the table. And he had also prepared a sandwich and some dried mango for me to take with me on today’s trip. I was amazed by his hospitality. I was in one of the most expensive countries in the world, but I hardly paid a cent because of this man’s generosity. Though he gave away so much for free, I could tell he lived a richer life because of it.



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