学英语环游世界 第518期(MP3+文本):原谅不小心伤到你的人
日期:2021-02-04 12:13




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Day 49

Chapter 14: The 5 AM Club Grasps the Essentialness of Sleep


到了罗马的第一站亿万富翁竟然带他们到了坟场,这时候,发现女企业家手上戴着订婚戒指!这里演说家也出现了,和他们聊睡眠的重要性。这里他们也分享了美好一天的蓝图,大概是這樣的4:45起床,差不多9:30上床,10:00 睡著。

We each do the best we can based on the level of awareness, maturity and personal security we are at. People who hurt others really are hurting within themselves. They are behaving in the wisest way they know how to behave. If they were capable of conducting themselves with greater leadership, generosity and humanity, they would have done so.


Awareness 觉知

Maturity 成熟度

Wisest 最有智慧的

Conduct 表现

Generosity 慷慨
