学英语环游世界 第447期(MP3+文本):外国明星的英语网站
日期:2020-10-14 08:39




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动态时报 news feed

粉丝专页 fan page

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**Lisa created a Facebook fan page for her baby, so that she can share his photos with friends.丽莎为她的宝宝创立了一个粉丝专页,用来分享宝宝的照片。

聊天室视窗 chat box

社团 group

活动 event

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滑到下面 scroll down Scroll up to the top, and you’ll see the latest status.滑到最上面就能看到最新的动态。

**Please scroll down if you want to see more information.如果想看更多资讯,请往下滑。

打卡 check in (v.); check-in (n.)Taipei 101 is one of the top Facebook check-in locations in Taiwan.台北101是台湾其中一个最热门的打卡地标

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**Please click the Like button on Facebook to help me win the singing competition!请帮我按讚让我赢得歌唱比赛!

Oh my god! Brad Pitt just thumbed up my comment!噢!我的天!刚刚布莱德彼特按我讚耶!

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