第3课 聊天破冰用语(下)
日期:2018-11-13 10:40


6.Is it hot/cold in here or is it just me? 是这里很热/很冷,还是就我热/冷啊?
Yes, it’s really hot/cold. 是的,真挺热/冷的。

7.Did you hear about...? 你听说了什么什么吗?
Did you hear about the chicken and goat that went on the airplane?

What, tell me more about it!什么,快多跟我说说这件事吧!

8.What do you think about the city? 你觉得(我们)这个城市怎么样?
I really love something! It is amazing! 我特别喜欢(这座城市的)某景点,它太不可思议了!
I really love the fall! It is amazing! 我特别喜欢(这座城市的)大瀑布!它太不可思议了!
I really love the Golden Gate Bridge. It is amazing! 我特别喜欢(这座城市的)金门大桥!它太不可思议了!

9.When you're not working, what do you like doing? 当你不工作的时候,你最喜欢做什么呢?
I like doing ... when I’m not working. 当我不工作时,我喜欢做什么什么。
I like watching TV when I’m not working. 当我不工作的时候,我喜欢看电视。
I like shopping when I’m not working. 当我不工作时候,我喜欢逛街

10.What’s your story? 你的故事是什么?(你的经历是什么?)
I just broke up with my boyfriend. 我和男朋友刚分手了。
I’m Sara. I’m an English teacher. This is my first time in America. Nice to meet you guys. 我叫沙拉,我是个英语老师,这是我第一次来美国,很高兴认识大家!

Have a good day! 祝你度过愉快的一天!
Have a good night! 祝你度过一个愉快的夜晚!
Have a good weekend! 祝你度过一个愉快的周末!
Have a good one! 祝你度过美好的一天!(Tip:这是说给陌生人的“再见”)
