第540期:刚刚过去的万圣节都发生了那些趣事? 一起来看下吧
日期:2018-11-05 09:31





devour v. 吞食
cereal n. 谷类,谷物;
serial adj. 连续的;连载的;


When I was 6 I devoured all of my candy as soon as I got home from trick or treating. It wasn't until I woke up the next morning that I realized I lost my first tooth. I must have swallowed it when I was chowing down.

I dressed up like Forrest Gump and went to a Halloween costume contest. A random guy I didn't know came as Lt. Dan by himself. We teamed up and won $1000. Fate? I believe so.

A kid came to my door a few years back wearing a shirt full of small cereal boxes with knives sticking out of the sides of the boxes. I asked him what he was supposed to be and he replied: ”Are you stupid or something? I’m a cereal killer!”
几年前,一个孩子穿着一件衬衫来到我家门口,衬衫上满是麦片小盒子,盒子上扎着刀子。我问他扮演的是什么,他回答说:“你傻啊?我是谷物杀手!”(cereal 和serial 发音相同)

Went dressed as the corpse bride to a Halloween party, painted myself blue… the body paint wouldn't come off, so I looked like a smurf for almost a week!

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  • candyn. 糖果 vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖 vi. 结晶为
  • contestn. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗
  • cerealn. 谷类食物,麦片 adj. 谷类的,谷物的
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • serialn. 序列,串列 adj. 连续的,一连串的
  • costumen. 服装,剧装 vt. 提供服装,为 ... 设计服装