今天再来一组逼死强迫症的照片。今天的照片乃是逼死强迫症的霸中之霸,几乎无图能敌。本文摘自life buzz,原文的标题是30 people who failed at their only job,这个标题极具调侃,"only job",“唯一的工作”,意在说明,就这一份工作都做不好,竟然出现这种严重的失误。这些失误究竟有多么让你的眼睛和心灵备受折磨呢?暂不剧透,不过在看之前,记得先学习新的生词哦。你也可以想想,如果自己要描述这些图,你会用怎样的英文描述它们呢?
New Words:
rebellious adj. 反抗的;造反的;难控制的
eyesore n. 眼中钉;难看的东西
sloppy adj. 草率的;粗心的;泥泞的;肥大的;稀薄的
pinpoint t. 查明;精确地找到;准确描述 adj. 精确的;详尽的 n. 针尖;精确位置;极小之物
culinary adj. 厨房的;烹调用的
1.Whoever was paving this sidewalk must have taken a break to drink a six pack all by himself.
This is the rebellious brick.
2.It can be a real eyesore when you find a street drain that's been designed to look this sloppy.
3.Good luck trying to get Google Maps to help you pinpoint an address in this part of this strange town.
It's safe to say that you won't know which way to go or how to leave this town.
4.The house looks lovely, and so does the garage, but they seem to be missing a major piece of the puzzle.
The driveway wasn't designed properly so there's no way to drive into the garage, duh!
5.A back to school display stand full of sharp knives? Let's hope that this is intended for culinary school.
These knives will be totally cool for the cook-in-training in your life, but you won't necessarily want to see a third grader with one at school.
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