日期:2017-08-29 09:11




Earnest: I love her, I will always love her. All I can ask is you do the same.
Earnest: 我爱她,我会永远爱她。我的要求只是希望你也这样。
Edward: You have my word.
Edward: 绝无虚言。
Wallis: your family won't stand for it!The prime minister won't stand for it!
Wallis: 你的家人永远不会接受!首相也永远不会接受!
Edward: Then I'll give up the throne!
Edward: 那我就放弃王位。

No.7 The Storm
The Prime Minister sat down.'Yes, Sir,'he began,'I've read about this Mrs. Simpson. She has two husbands still alive. And you must understand what that means, Sir. She cannot marry a King.'
'But I cannot live without her,'Edward said.
'Then,Sir,'the Prime Minister replied,'I can see there's a storm coming. I have talked to your family and to Archbishop Lang, and we will not have this woman as our Queen.'
That night the Prime Minister and the King spoke for many hours. There were hundreds of questions, but only one answer. And so,in the early hours of the next morning, Ed-ward said:
'You tell me that Wallis cannot marry a King. So there is only one thing that I can do. I will give the crown to my brother, and leave England. I must follow my heart. You tell me that it's a crime to fall in love. You tell me that it's wrong to be happy. How strange this country is!'
An hour later Edward telephoned Wallis.'The Prime Minister says that a storm is coming,'Edward said.'So I want you to go away.'
Wallis packed her bags and left for France. Then Edward went to see his mother.
It was a sad, strange, and angry meeting.'Do you know what you are doing?'the Queen asked.'Look out of that window. Outside this palace there are 400 000 000 people who call you King. They need you. And you will leave all this for Mrs. Simpson?'
'Yes,mother, I will. I'm in love.'
'Love?'Queen Mary shouted.'You're a King!You must love your country first!'
'But I'm also a man,'Edward said softly,'and there's nothing that I can do.'

No.7 风暴

No.8 The Church
The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast,Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury,was waiting for him.
'Good morning, Gordon,'the King said.'How nice to see you again. And what can I do for you?'
For a minute the Archbishop said nothing. Then he opened a small black bag and took out three newspapers.'I have come to see you about Mrs. Wallis Simpson,'he began.'The newspapers say that you want to marry her. Are these stories true,Sir?'
'Yes,Gordon, Wallis is going to be my wife.'
'But that's not possible,'the Archbishop replied.'You know what the Church thinks about marriage and divorce. Divorce is wrong in the eyes of God!'
Edward smiled and then said:'Can I ask you some questions about God, Mr. Lang?'
'Yes, of course, Sir.'
'Is God happy when two people fall in love?'
'Yes, Sir, but…'
'And is God happy when two people fall in love and get married?'
'And is God happy when two people fall in love,get mar-ried, and live happily together?'
'Then,Archbishop, Wallis and I will make God very happy. We are in love, we'll get married, and we'll live together happily!'
'But you don't understand,Sir,'Mr. Lang replied.'The Church says that divorce is wrong. Mrs. Simpson cannot leave Mr. Simpson and then marry you. You must forget about her and find another woman. Please,Sir, I must ask you to think again.'
'That is not possible,'Edward said softly.'When Wallis is free,I shall marry her.'

No.8 教会

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