全网最酷美语怎么说:第24期 扫兴
日期:2017-04-05 09:34
Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."
大家好,我是Nick.生活中,我们经常会遇到一些开心的事,然后迫不及待的和别人分享。但是呢,不是所有人都乐意分享你的快乐。这种时候,很多人就会说风凉话,扫你的兴。When you get promoted, they say it's unfair; when you get a good score on your exam, they say you're just lucky, when you work out in the gym, they say it'll never work. 当你升职了,他说不公平,怎么你可以升职呢?我都没有升职。当你取得了好成绩,他愤愤不平,不就是运气么?当你在健身房挥汗如雨,他嘲讽,再怎么练也不会有身材。这种人在生活中非常令人讨厌,我们这样的人,叫buzzkillor Debbie Downer,Buzzkill的拼写是b-u-z-z-k-i-l-l.buzzkill.Debbie downer是d-e-b-b-i-e Debbie.D-o-w-n-e-r downer. Buzzkill means someone or something that spoils the mood for just about anything. An enjoyable event, a special moment, a game something like that. Debbie downer is a slang phrase which refers to someone who adds negative feelings to people around him.
Buzzkill刚刚说了,可以指人或物,那些扰乱你的人或物。Debbie downer也是类似,如果周围有这种老是传播负能量的人,就可以叫做是Debbie downer.这个其实是源于一个美国综艺小品类节目,叫做SNL,全称是Saturday Night Live,它在04年的时候,有一期由Rachel Dratch主演,她扮演了一个叫debbie downer的角色,这个角色就像我们刚刚讨论的,一直传播负能量。然后呢,因为节目影响力比较大,慢慢的,大家就把这样的人都叫做debbie downer.非常地道的用法。
So I really hope that you guys can enjoy today's class. I'll see you guys next time, bye.
大家好,我是Nick.生活中,我们经常会遇到一些开心的事,然后迫不及待的和别人分享。但是呢,不是所有人都乐意分享你的快乐。这种时候,很多人就会说风凉话,扫你的兴。When you get promoted, they say it's unfair; when you get a good score on your exam, they say you're just lucky, when you work out in the gym, they say it'll never work. 当你升职了,他说不公平,怎么你可以升职呢?我都没有升职。当你取得了好成绩,他愤愤不平,不就是运气么?当你在健身房挥汗如雨,他嘲讽,再怎么练也不会有身材。这种人在生活中非常令人讨厌,我们这样的人,叫buzzkillor Debbie Downer,Buzzkill的拼写是b-u-z-z-k-i-l-l.buzzkill.Debbie downer是d-e-b-b-i-e Debbie.D-o-w-n-e-r downer. Buzzkill means someone or something that spoils the mood for just about anything. An enjoyable event, a special moment, a game something like that. Debbie downer is a slang phrase which refers to someone who adds negative feelings to people around him.
Buzzkill刚刚说了,可以指人或物,那些扰乱你的人或物。Debbie downer也是类似,如果周围有这种老是传播负能量的人,就可以叫做是Debbie downer.这个其实是源于一个美国综艺小品类节目,叫做SNL,全称是Saturday Night Live,它在04年的时候,有一期由Rachel Dratch主演,她扮演了一个叫debbie downer的角色,这个角色就像我们刚刚讨论的,一直传播负能量。然后呢,因为节目影响力比较大,慢慢的,大家就把这样的人都叫做debbie downer.非常地道的用法。
So I really hope that you guys can enjoy today's class. I'll see you guys next time, bye.