It's Not Working Out.
Alice: Shane. We need to talk.
Alice: Shane,我们得谈谈。
Shane: Sure. What is this about?
Shane: 好,谈什么?
Alice: It's about us.
Alice: 谈谈我们的事。
Shane: What about us ?
Shane: 我们的什么事?
Alice: Well Shane, we've been together for 3 months, but I feel it's not working out.
Alice: 好了,Shane。我们在一起3个月了,但是我感觉进展地不顺利。
Shane: Oh. I knew this was coming. What do you want to do?
Shane: 哦,我知道该来的还是来了。你想怎么办?
Alice: I think we should stop seeing each other Shane, I don't think you reciprocate my feelings anyway.
Alice: 我想我们不应该再见面了,Shane。我觉得你无法回应我的感情。
Shane: Maybe you are right Alice. I've been feeling that we're trying to force this relationship upon ourselves.
Shane: 可能你是对的,Alice。我一直感觉我们一直在把这种关系强加给自己身上。
Alice: I guess it's best for both of us to move on.
Alice: 我想我们最好是往前看。
I Caught You!
Rick: Monica, I want to ask you something.
Rick: Monica,我想问你点事。
Monica: Sure Rick! What's up?
Monica: 好的,Rick!什么事?
Rick: I saw you last night at the club dancing with Ricardo, and you had told me you were staying home because your mother was ill.
Rick: 昨天晚上我看见你在俱乐部和Ricardo一起跳舞,可是你却告诉我说你妈妈生病了,你在家呆着。
Monica: Oh no! Were you at the club too?
Monica: 哦,不!你也在俱乐部吗?
Rick: Yeah. I went there to get a drink with my fellows.
Rick: 是的,我去那儿和我的朋友们喝了一杯。
Monica: Wait Rick! I can explain this.
Monica: 等等,Rick!听我解释。
Rick: I don't want any explanations. We have to part ways now. Just don't call me anymore.
Rick: 我不想听任何解释,我们现在分手吧,别再给我打电话了。
Monica: Rick don't do this!
Monica: Rick 别这样!
Sharing with Others.
Cameron: What happened? Why do you look so sad?
Cameron: 发生什么事了?你怎么看起来这么伤心?
Monica: Rick broke up with me. I'm devastated.
Monica: Rick和我分手了。我很崩溃。
Cameron: What? Why did he do something like that? He's a nice guy!
Cameron: 什么?他怎么会做这样的事?他是个很友善的人啊!
Monica: Well, I went dancing with Ricardo this Saturday and he saw me. I had told him my mom was ill and I was staying home.
Monica: 嗯,这周六我和Ricardo去跳舞了,让Rick 看见了。我跟他说的是我妈妈生病了,我在家呆着。
Cameron: Why did you do that you silly woman? I think you deserved it then!
Cameron: 你这个傻女人,你为什么要那么做?那我就觉得你活该了!
Monica: Well, Ricardo asked me out, and you know I've fancied him ever since high school. I couldn't say no.
Monica: 额,Ricardo 约我出去,你知道我上高中就开始喜欢他了,我拒绝不了他。
Cameron: I'm afraid you definitely deserved what you got. That was a stupid thing to do.
Cameron: 恐怕你真的自作自受了,太傻了。
Monica: I know. I am so sorry.
Monica: 我知道,我很抱歉。
Cameron: Girl… It's done now, but maybe you'll be happier with Ricardo.
Cameron: 孩子......都过去了,可能你和Ricardo会过的更开心些。
Monica: Yeah. I hope so.
Monica: 嗯,我想会吧。
Time to Get Over It.
Cameron: What's wrong with you? Why do you always look so messed up?
Cameron: 你怎么了?为什么一直陷入一种很糟糕的状态?
Rita: How am I supposed to behave after breaking up a 5-year-long relationship?
Rita: 我们在一起五年了,现在分手了,我该怎么办?
Cameron: It was your decision and you need to cope up with it as soon as you can. It should not disrupt your life.
Cameron: 这是你的决定,你需要尽快调整过来,这样会毁掉你的生活的。
Rita: I'm trying to. I just need some time.
Rita: 我还在努力,我需要一些时间。
Cameron: You broke up with him 3 months ago Rita. It's really time to get over it.
Cameron: 你和Rita分手都已经3个月了,是时候忘记了。
Rita: I think you're right!
Rita: 我想你是对的!