Kim:Hi Peter, can I talk to you for a moment. I just heard the cookie factory downtown is going out of business.
Peter:Where did you hear that?
Kim:Sara told me.
Peter:I'm not sure that's true. I haven't heard anything about it.
彼得: 我不知道那是不是真的,我什么都没听说
Kim :She said that they have already started to lay people off.
金姆: 她说他们已经开始裁员啦。
Peter:Doesn't your father work there?
彼得: 你爸爸不是在那儿上班吗?
Kim :Yes, I'm really worried he might get laid off, he just started to work there about three months ago. What do you think I should do?
金姆: 是的,我真的很担心他,我怕他被裁掉,他三个月前才刚刚开始在那里上班的,你觉得我现在应该怎么办?
Peter:I'd talk to your father.
彼得: 我要告诉你爸爸。
Kim:Yeah, but if there was something wrong I don't think he'd tell me. He doesn't like to upset me, but I really would like to know what's going on.
金姆: 是的,但是如果有什么不好的事情,我觉得他不会告诉我的,因为他不喜欢让我担心,但是我真的想知道到底发生了什么事。
Peter:So what are you gonna do?
彼得: 那你准备怎么做?
Kim :Aren't you good friends with the president of that company?
金姆: 你和那个公司的老板不是好朋友吗?
Peter:Yes, we use to work together at a different company about five years ago.
彼得: 是的,大概五年前我们一起在另外一家公司上班。
Kim :Maybe you could call him and see what's going on.
金姆: 或许你可以打电话给他,看看发生了什么事情。
Peter:Well, I don't know. I guess I could. It's pretty late now, but I'll call him in the morning.
彼得: 嗯,我不太清楚。我觉得我可以打电话给他。但现在已经很晚啦,但我明天早上可以打电话给他。
Kim :OK, thanks so much.
金姆: 好的,非常感谢。