A Dirty Remote 遥控器很脏
日期:2016-01-12 13:53
Our TV remote is filthy.
我们的遥控器很脏 。
Yes, it's covered with crud.
是的,它满是脏东西 。
I'm going to clean it.
我要清洗一下它 。
Don't use water on it!
I'll use a damp cloth.
我会用一块湿布 。
Don't let water get into any of the cracks.
别让水进入裂缝 。
I'll squeeze the cloth so it's almost dry.
我会把布拧干的 。
Don't rub the numbers off the remote.
别把遥控器上的数字擦掉 。
I will rub gently but firmly.
我会轻而有力的擦拭 。
Do it quickly, please, so I can change channels during commercials.
请快一点,那样我就可以在广告期间换台了 。
I'll give it back to you in a couple of minutes.
我会在几分钟之内交到你手上 。
Maybe we should put it in a plastic bag to keep it clean.
或许我们可以把它放在塑料袋里来保持洁净 。