美式英语正音训练第97期:第8章 练习8
日期:2015-11-26 15:20


Exercise 8-8:

finding reduced sounds

Go through the paragraph that follows and find the three u's and the five to seven u's.

Remember that your own speech style can increase the possibilities.

With “ to ” before a vowel,

you have a choice of a strong u,

a soft u. a schwa, or to telescope the two words and eliminate the vowel entirely.

Pause the CD to mark the u and u sounds.

The first one is marked for you.

Remember to check Answer key, beginning on the page 193.

  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • voweln. 母音,元音
  • eliminatev. 除去,剔除; 忽略