Some people have good noses.
有人拥有很好的鼻子 。
I wish I had a good nose. Mine is way too big.
我希望我有一个好鼻子 。我的鼻子太大了 。
I don't mean good-looking. I mean good-smelling.
我的意思不是说长得好看,我是说能闻 。
Oh. But that can be a curse.
噢 。但那会像是一个诅咒 。
Yes, because you can be too sensitive to odors.
是的,因为你会对异味太敏感 。
I'll say. My girlfriend has a nose like a drug dog.
当然 。我女友有一个像缉毒犬的鼻子 。
Did she catch you using drugs?
Sort of. She knows whenever I sneak a cigarette.
有时 。每次我偷偷抽烟的时候她都能发现 。
You don't need a good nose for that-cigarettes stink.
你不需要一个好鼻子--有烟臭 。
But when I sneak just one cigarette in the morning, she can smell it that evening!
每当我早上吸烟的时候,她都能在晚上闻出来 。
Boy, that is a good nose.
男孩,那是一个好鼻子 。
I told her she should apply for a job at customs.
我告诉她她应该在海关申请一份工作 。