A Player Cheats 运动员作弊
日期:2015-09-25 13:20
Did you hear about the ball player?
The home run hitter on drugs?
He said a doctor helped him with a personal problem.
他说一个医生因为他的个人问题给他开的药 。
He said he wasn't using drugs.
他说他没有服用药物 。
He apologized to the fans.
他像粉丝们道了歉 。
The league suspended him for 50 games.
联赛暂停他50场比赛 。
That will cost him some money.
那将会花费他一些钱 。
Yes, about $7 million.
是的,大约700万 。
That will teach him a good lesson.
那会给他一个很好的教训 。
He probably won't use drugs anymore.
他肯定再也不会服用药物了 。
But it won't stop other players from using drugs.
但那也不能杜绝其他运动员服用药物 。
No. Everyone always figures that they won't get caught.
是的 。每个人都觉得自己不会被抓到 。