Keep Your Eyes Open 小心
日期:2015-09-24 13:24
This is a huge library.
这是一间宏伟的图书馆 。
Yes, it has lots of rooms and lots of space.
是的,它有很多方将和空间 。
And lots of books.
还有很多书 。
And lots of thieves.
还有许多小偷 。
What do you mean?
I mean, keep your belongings close to you.
我的意思是,照顾好自己的随身物品 。
The only thing in my backpack is used books.
我包里唯一的东西就是用过的书 。
But thieves don't know that.
但是小偷不知道 。
They might think that I've got an iPod or laptop in there.
他们可能认为我带了iPod或电脑呢 。
Now you're thinking.
现在你正在思考 。
You'd think a library would be safe from thieves.
你认为图书馆对于小偷来说是安全的 。
Not even a church is safe from thieves.
即使教堂对于小偷也不是安全的 。