A Nice Place to Live 一个宜居的地方
日期:2015-09-15 13:29
I like living here.
我喜欢住在这 。
I agree. Pasadena is a nice city.
我同意 。帕萨迪纳是一个不错的城市 。
It's not too big.
它不是很大 。
And it's not too small.
也不是很小 。
It has great weather all year long.
它的气候常年适宜 。
It has the Rose Parade.
它有玫瑰花车游行 。
It has beautiful houses.
它有漂亮的房子 。
It has wonderful restaurants.
它有美妙的餐厅 。
It has great schools.
它有出色的学校 。
It's close to the mountains.
它靠近山 。
The people are friendly.
这里的人们很友好 。
I'm not ever going to leave.
我不想离开这里 。