日期:2012-11-20 00:02


The worst thing about being lied on, is knowing you weren't worth the truth.

lie v. 说谎,撒谎 n. 谎言
1. tell a lie〔tell lies〕说谎
I confessed telling a lie. 我承认我说了谎。
2. lie to (v.+prep.) (向…)撒谎
It is wrong to lie to the parents.对父母不诚实是错误的。
3. lie about (v.+prep.) 隐瞒
Many women lie about their ages.许多妇女在她们的年龄问题上不肯说实话。
4. lie into (v.+prep.) 骗取(某人的)信任;骗(某人做某事)
He lied me into lending him my car.他骗我把汽车借给了他。
5. lie out of (v.+adv.+prep.) 靠撒谎摆脱(困境)
She succeeded in lying herself out of trouble.她成功地用谎言使自己摆脱了困境。
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