Everybody else at the party ended up in the swimming pool. But I was a fish out of water because I can't swim.
When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I was fishing for a compliment.
Charlie, you've had two weeks to decide whether you want in on this deal. Now it's time to fish or cut bait. I need your answer by six o'clock tonight—otherwise we'll leave you out of it!
The senator says the investigation is a fishing expedition by his enemies to see if they can find anything he has ever done that might hurt his political career.
I can't believe it! His only son was hurt in an accident and he told his wife he couldn't go to the hospital until later because he had other fish to fry—a million-dollar deal he was closing.
This story is a red herring to divert public attention from this issue.
herring n. 鲱(又称青鱼)
Holy mackerel! What's this? A new car?
mackerel n. 鲭(产于北大西洋);马鲛鱼