the golden rule 金科玉律;指导原则
The golden rule here is to spread your risk.
golden ratio 黄金比例、黄金分割
The golden ratio is found in art, architecture and nature. It describes a rectangle with a length about one and one-half times its width.
golden idea 金点子
First of all, you need some basic elements - including a golden idea, a starting fund, a market, and a team to work with you.
the golden mean 中庸之道
The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one's life.
Golden age 黄金时代;鼎盛时期
The 1930s and 1940s were called the Golden Age of Radio.
silence is golden 沉默是金
Silence is golden, particularly when an executive wants to keep quiet about personal matters.
Golden Boy 有良好素质和光明未来的青年
Henman is the golden boy of British tennis this season.
Gold digger 拜金族
I'm not saying she's a gold digger, but how come all her boyfriends have been rich?
golden oldies 怀旧金曲
I love listening to music, especially the golden oldies.
golden years 退休时期
Today, most older people look forward to reaching their golden years.