He has athlete's foot.
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas. It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton and is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Although the condition typically affects the feet, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the groin. Athlete's foot can be treated by a number of pharmaceutical and other treatments.
脚气,也就是足癣(Tinea Pedis),中国有俗名称为烂脚丫,脚气疮,还有一个特别的称谓,叫香港脚。香港脚的来源据说是英国人初占香港,因为当地的气候潮湿闷热,士兵们纷纷得了烂脚丫,故尔称之为香港脚。香港脚的对应俗名叫运动员脚(Athlete's Foot),起源当然是因为此病更常见于运动员,流行病学调查发现运动员比普通人群有双倍的几率患此病,有的调查研究中发现运动员高达70%-80%有脚气。估计人一生有70%的几率在某个时刻被感染脚气。
1. dermatophytosis n. 脚气;脚癣;[皮肤] 皮真菌病(等于athlete's foot)
Adapt to treat dermatophytosis, athlete's foot and feet tickle.
It is more effective to thoroughly change socks after cured dermatophytosis.
Objective To choose a better treatment of moderate to severe dermatophytosis.
2. barbiers n. 脚气(等于beriberi)
3. panneuritis epidemica
4. dietetic neuritis
5. endemic neuritis