日期:2011-11-18 13:59



  1. look good/very well/nice/great/terrific/fresh-complexioned 看起来气色很好

  Wow! Candy, you're looking great! 哇!凯蒂,你看起来棒极了!

  2. have a good color/high color 脸色红润

  You have a high color on the face.你看起来气色不错(你脸色很好。)

  3. have a good complexion 面色好;气色很好

  At the same time, people usually have good complexion, have a better mental state , which also shows their good health. 同时,面容好的人通常气色、精神状态都更好,这也说明他们健康状况良

  4. off color 不舒服、气色差

I feel a bit off color. 我觉得有点不舒服。

5. little color 没有血色

  He has little color in his cheeks. 他脸上几乎没有血色。

  6. be in the pink 身体好

  I hope you'll soon be in the pink again. 我希望你早点恢复健康。

  7. looking bouncy 看起来生龙活虎

  You certainly look bouncy today. 你看起来精力充沛。

  8. a ball of fire 精力充沛的人

  I hope John will join us, he is a ball of fire. 我希望约翰能加入我们,他是个精力旺盛的人。

  • candyn. 糖果 vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖 vi. 结晶为
  • mentaladj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的 n. 精神病患者