President Obama, as the host this year, packed away for good the two-decade tradition of having the group pose for a "family photo" in some garb representative of the host country. 作为今年APEC峰会的东道主,美国总统奥巴马表示,峰会将打破20年来元首身穿举办国当地特色传统服饰拍摄全家福的惯例。
family photo of 2011APEC
据外电报道,美国总统奥巴马表示APEC峰会上的元首costume shot(全家福服装秀)不再成为必需的一项内容,costume shot就是指文中的a family photo in some garb representative of the host country。
奥巴马在Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 19th informal leadership meeting (APEC第十九次领导人非正式会议)闭幕后召开的记者会上回答提问时表示,他希望能打破传统,虽然发给每位领导人Hawaiian shirts(夏威夷花衬衫),但没有规定他们必须在family photo(合影)时穿上。