An increasing number of China's rich are snapping up properties overseas in the expectation that domestic inflation will continue to rise after the consumer price index reached a 34-month high in May.
文中的snap up properties overseas就是指“海外抢房”。Snap up意为“抢购”,比如The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.(大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快被抢购一空。)除此之外,panic buying(恐慌购买)也有“抢购”的意思。
据称,在温哥华,mainland immigrants(大陆移民)的购房需求量已占到29%。越来越多的 homebuyer(购房者)把资金交给property trust unit(不动产信托机构),以规避VAT(value-added tax,增值税)、heritage tax(遗产税),以及再交易时的capital gains tax(资本收益税)。投资海外房产需要注意风险,因为有时并没有太大的room for price appreciation(增值空间)。