日期:2010-05-11 08:38


Look what you have done!


Look what you did !

This is your fault. 这是你的错.

This is your doing. 这是你做的好事.

想加强一点语气,不妨加多句:You stupid idiot! Look what you have done! 你这个笨蛋白痴,看你做过些什么!


Mother:I just cleaned the apartment an hour ago. Look what you have done!
Daughter:Relax! It doesn't look that bad. I've lost something important.
Mother:I'll help you look. What have you lost?
Daughter:I've lost my glasses. I can't see them anywhere.
Mother:You just need eyes in the back of your head.
Daughter:Thank you!


I'm at a loss for words.

或许大家都有过这样的经验,当你很开心、过度伤心、过度生气的时候会突然哑口无言,无言以对。此时可以叫做:I'm at a loss for words.(我无言以对)。虽然是无言以对,也可以说:I'm speechless.(我讲不出话来),I don't know what to say.(我不知道该说什么),I'm flabbergasted.(我目瞪口呆)。


George: Well, what do you think of my new girlfriend over there? Great body, huh? And she's a wild date!
Bill: George, I'm at a loss for words.
George: At a loss for words because she's so hot and so wild?
Bill: No George, I'm at a loss for words because she's my sister.
George: Now, I'm really at a loss for words.

乔治: 你觉得那边我的新女朋友怎样? 好身段吧? 她还很野性哩!
比尔: 乔治,我无话可说。
乔治: 无话可说是因为她太热情野性吗?
比尔: 不是,乔治,我无话可说是因为她是我的妹妹。
乔治: 现在,我真的无话可说。

She is so stuck up.

印度及某些中东国家会把人民分成等级,低等级的人民要向高等级的卑弓屈膝。但在自由平等的国家里,这些事情较少会发生。但偶然我们会遇到些自大傲慢的人,英文可形容为stuck up。例如:She is so stuck up.(她很自大傲慢)。也有其它的形容词形容自大,例如:arrogant(自大的、傲慢的)、conceited(自大自负)或snobby(势利的)。


Jack: Dude, twelve o'clock, the one in the pearls. Nice huh?
Shawn: Don't waste your time. You can do better. Trust me. She is so stuck up.
Jack: Someone more stuck up than I?
Shawn: Yeah. You got the girl because you flashed her?! Man, why didn't I think of that!
Jack: Money makes the world go around. Not bad huh? Cheers.

杰克: 老兄,在十二点钟的位置,看那个珠光宝气的女郎,漂亮吧?
尚伟: 别浪费时间,你可以找个更好的。相信我,她很傲慢。
杰克: 人比我更高傲?
尚伟: 唷,你把她弄到手是因为你向她炫耀过?!老兄,为什么我没想到!
杰克: 钱可通神。不错吧?干杯。

Love at first sight.

爱情是很奇妙的,有人一舞倾情,有人一见钟情,近年更兴起网上情缘。‘一见钟情’的英文叫Love at first sight。当你对某人一见钟情的时候,或许会有‘触电’的感觉,英文叫Love struck。此外,如果是爱得疯狂,迷恋不已的话,可以叫做Head over heels in love.(浸在爱河里)。


Rita: So you have a new boyfriend? What's he like?
Holly:Oh, fantastic, it was love at first sight. He's strong and powerful, gentle and romantic.
Rita: Love at first sight huh? Where did you meet him?
Holly: Oh, in my house, he was robbing me at the time.

莉达: 你已有新男朋友?他是怎样的?
霍莉 噢,好极了,这是一见钟情。他很健硕、强壮、亲切又浪漫。
莉达: 一见钟情呀?你在哪里认识他?
霍莉: 喔!在我家,他在抢劫我的时候。

Great minds think alike.

俗语云:‘话不投机半句多’,如果遇到说话投机的人,思想又相近的话,英文可以叫做:Great minds think alike.(英雄所见略同)。或者也可说:We are two peas in a pod.(我们是两颗在同一豆荚的豌豆),比喻说我们是一样的。有见地的人思想一致,相反愚蠢的人亦然,所以英文有句话:Fools seldom differ.(愚蠢的人很少不同)。


Bill: Girls like to be told what to do.
Jack: Right on! They should also stick to housework.
Bill: You're right. They should leave the real work to us men.
Jack: Women should know their place. And great minds think alike.
Candice: And fools seldom differ!

比尔: 女人总爱被人家吩咐去做事。
杰克: 没错!她们应该只顾家务。
比尔: 你说得对,她们应该把真正的工作留给我们男人。
杰克: 女人该知道她们的地位,英雄所见略同。
坎迪斯: 愚蠢也很少不同!

Fingers crossed.

西方人喜欢在许愿时把手指头交叉,然后说:Fingers crossed. 目的是希望愿望成真。有些顽皮的小孩在说谎时也会把手指交叉说:Fingers crossed. 因为想这样做,说谎就没有罪了。

对 话

Bill: Any news from your agent about the lead role in that movie?
Candice: I'm checking my messages right now. I'm pretty nervous.
Bill: Do you think you have a chance of getting that film “ Bruce Lee’s Life Story”?
Candice: Fingers crossed. I think I have a great chance. Oh, no!
Bill: I'm not surprised. Bruce Lee was Chinese you fool.

比尔: 收到经理人有关新片主角的消息吗?
坎迪斯: 我正在查看手机短讯,我蛮紧张的。
比尔: 你觉得你有没有机会主演“李小龙传记”呢?
坎迪斯: 希望如此,我想我有很大机会。噢,不!
比尔: 我不感惊讶,李小龙是中国人呀,你这蠢材!

Knock on wood.

中国人有不少迷信的禁忌,例如:女人不可穿短裙进赌场;女人不能登上渔船,否则会打不到鱼等。除了这些禁忌外,中国人说话亦很小心,万一说了不吉利的话,会赶快说:‘童言无忌,大风吹去’、‘大吉利是’或‘吐口水再说过’等,希望所说的坏事不会发生。外国人也有类似的习惯,他们会说:Knock on wood. (敲敲木头) 其中一个解释是以前人们相信若说了一些吉利的话,邪灵会来搞破坏,把所说的事情弄成相反。人们立即摸摸或敲敲木头,希望得到保佑。除此之外,说Knock wood / Touch wood亦可。

对 话

Rita: Pretty cool. Is that the new dance?
Noel: Yeah. I made up all these moves myself and I've never fallen over.
Rita: Knock on wood. That looks pretty dangerous.
Noel: No worries. I got the moves down perfectly. (trips and falls on wood floor)
Rita: When I said knock on wood, I didn't quite mean that!

莉达: 蛮不错。是新舞蹈吗?
诺尔: 对,我自创这些舞步,且从未失手跌倒过。
莉达: 敲敲木头,这看来蛮危险。
诺尔: 别担心,我下来的动作做得很完美呢。(绊到并跌在木地板上)
莉达: 我说敲敲木头,不是这个意思呀!

He's such a chicken.

我们常常用动物来比喻人的性格和特征,例如用猪比喻懒惰和愚蠢,用牛比喻勤劳或动作慢,用老虎比喻凶恶,那么说别人像鸡又代表什么呢?He's such a chicken. 指 ‘他是个胆小鬼’。也可用猫 (scaredy cat) 来形容胆小。一个胆小懦弱的人可称为coward(懦夫),He is a coward.(他是个懦夫)。做什么事情都胆怯的人,也可用timid(胆怯)来形容他。


Dominque: That's the last date I go on with Paul. He's such a chicken!
Adriana: Why? What happened?
Dominque: The staff were rude and the food was bad. Paul wouldn't say anything but I made him.
Adriana: Didn’t you go to that Mafia themed restaurant?
Dominque: Yes. Look here's Paul now. (Paul approaches, bandaged and bruised)
Adriana: Oh, poor guy !


  • bruisedadj. [医]青肿的;瘀紫的 v. 擦伤(bruise
  • conceitedadj. 自负的,幻想的
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • gentleadj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的
  • arrogantadj. 傲慢的,自大的
  • timidadj. 胆怯的,害羞的
  • cowardn. 懦夫 adj. 胆小的 Coward n. 科沃德
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • rudeadj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj. 粗糙的,粗野的