日期:2010-04-13 09:52


sleep on sth


1. sleep on something

We asked Judy if she would join our club and she answered that she would sleep on it.


其实sleep on something是“推迟做出决定”的意思,一件事情决定不下来,先把它放下,美美地睡上一觉再说,说不定到时候就有了好主意了呢。再如:

We will have to sleep on your invitation until we know whether we will be free Monday night.这个意思很明显了吧,就是“我们先看看星期一晚上有没有空,到时再考虑能否赴你的约。”

hit the sack

2. hit the sack

Hit the sack从字面上看就是“捅一个口袋”,日常表达中的意思却是“我要去睡觉了”。Sack在这里是指床,hit是去床上睡觉的意思。但是,只有hit the sack可以表示“去睡觉”的意思,其它的,比如说,我要坐下,就不能说 to hit the chair;此外,to hit the sack只能指结束一天工作和学习后晚上去睡觉,午睡也不能用这个短语来表达。

Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper.


to pull an all-nighter

3. to pull an all-nighter

To pull an all-nighter就是我们平常所说的“开夜车” ,Pull在这里指让自己受到某种煎熬。因此,这个短语更准确的意思,就是迫使自己整夜念书。

I have to pull an all-nighter to get this project done.


toss and turn

4. toss and turn

Toss and turn就是“辗转反侧”的意思。


Booth: Yeah. I'll go home tonight and I'll lie in bed and I'll toss and I'll turn and I'll beat myself up. And, uh, I'll question everything.

Booth: 是的,我今天晚上要回家,我会躺在床上辗转反侧,使劲折腾自己。我会质疑一切。

  • tossn. 投掷,震荡 v. 投掷,摇荡,辗转
  • beatv. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动 n. 敲打,拍子,心跳
  • invitationn. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致