日期:2010-03-16 10:25



keep one's edge (stay sharp)保持最好的状态

反义词:lose one's edge

例句:I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge. 为了保持在英语上的优势,我不得不每天说英语.

David Beckham is a great soccer player but if he doesn't practice every day, he'll lose his edge. 贝克汉姆是位伟大球员,如果他不每天练球的话他就会失去他的优势.


She honed her debating skills at college. 她在大学时便炼就了辩论技巧.

Owning my own computer gives me the chance to hone my computer skills. 有了自己的电脑,我的电脑技能就会大幅度提高.

Jane's new job requires her to talk to lots of people. She's really honing her people's skills.因为珍的工作每天都要与人打交道,所以她的谈话技能越来越棒.


① 对什么东西很擅长

He's very smooth with women because he has dates every weekend. 他对异性真又一套,每个周末他都不会闲着.

② 可以把复杂的事弄简单的人,比较有本事的人

Somebody is smooth. 某人很厉害.

③ 很容易说服别人的人

He's has a very smooth manner, polite, interesting and a good talker. 他非常有说服力,有礼貌,有感染力,真的非常不一样.

head 去什么地方

I'm so tired. I'm heading home.我很累了,我回家了.

Are you heading to class later? 过一会你去上课吗?


① 给……
Could you pass me that paper? 你能把那张纸递给我吗?
Joe is thirsty. Pass him a drink. 乔很渴,递给他一瓶水.

② 超过
I was running as fast as I could, but that guy passed me. 我已经尽全力跑了,但还是被那人超过了.

③ 成功做什么了
I'm free! I've passed the final exams, finally. 我终于解脱了,期末考试通过了.

kill somebody 狂胜......

In the soccer game last week, Chinese killed Japanese.上星期的足球赛中国狂胜日本.

I love playing cards with Bob, because I kill him every time.我最喜欢和鲍打牌,因为我每回都赢他.


① 穿着帅气
That's a really sharp looking suit. 这种穿着很漂亮.

② 聪明
He's a sharp lawyer. 他是一个聪明的律师.


have a hunch on that 对....有预感

I have a hunce on that ,I 'll never see the money again. 我有预感,我的钱拿不回来了.

Hey man ,why did you bet all the money on the horse ?I had a hunch on that .你为什么把你所有钱全赌那匹马? 我有预感它肯定会赢.

classic somebody 某人惯用的手法

This mess is just classic Adam 这么乱一定是Adam干的.

This writing style is just classic Mr Jin . 这个作品一看就知道是金先生的.
  • hunchn. 肉峰,预感,块 v. 弯腰驼背,弓起背部,耸肩
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词
  • honen. 细磨刀石 vt. 磨刀,磨练 vi. 渴望,抱怨
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • smoothadj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可
  • thirstyadj. 口渴的,渴望的