日期:2010-03-06 11:55
1. This drawer sticks badly. 这个抽屉卡得死死的。
2. The key stuck in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里了。
3. The bus stuck in the mud. 公共汽车陷在泥里了。
4. There's some paper stuck in the machine. 复印机卡纸了。
5. I was stuck in traffic. 我遇上堵车了。
6.The zipper on my bag has got stuck. 我包上的拉链卡住了。
7. If you get stuck, skip the question. 如果哪一道题做不出来,就先做下一题。
8. The words stuck in my throat. 这些话我难以启齿。
9. My coins got stuck in this slot. 我的硬币被卡在投币口了。
10. A fishbone stuck in his throat. 一根鱼刺卡在他喉咙里了。
