日期:2010-03-29 15:57


He's highly esteemed among his colleagues. 他在同事中受到的评价很高.

He sounds pretty hard to get along with. 听起来他这个人很难相处.

It's a very friendly place to work. 这里的工作氛围很和谐.

We're fed up with him. 我们受够他了.

How are you finding your new boss? 你的新老板人怎么样?

A good boss should treat male and female employees equally. 一个好的上司应该做到对待下属无论男女一视同仁.

I'm an excellent team player. 我富有团队合作精神.

I had to check something with my colleagues before confirming the order. 在确认订单之前我需要和同事核实一些情况.