日期:2010-02-24 11:20


家中度假 staycation


out of the blue:unexpectedly; without warning or preparation

I really can't understand how something like this could simply pop up out of the blue. 实在想不明白这样的事情怎么一下子就发生了,连声招呼都不打?

Boyle, who honed her skills in a church choir, is poised to record an album with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra . Boyle的演唱技巧是在教堂里磨练出来的,她还要和捷克国家交响乐团合作出专辑.

Hone是磨刀石,作动词在这里的意思是:to refine or master (a skill)。有个近义词polish,比如:The band has polished its performance since the last concert.

She honed her debating skills at college. 她在大学时便炼就了辩论技巧。

What's the catch? 有什么圈套?

It sounds like a great idea, but what's the catch? 听起来很好,别有什么圈套吧?

Be careful, that's a catch question. 你可要当心,那个问题是个套儿。

  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • polishn. 光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良 v. 擦亮,磨光,推敲,
  • bandn. 带,箍,波段 n. 队,一群,乐队 v. 绑扎 v
  • poisedadj. 泰然自若的,镇定的;摆好姿势不动的,静止的;平
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • refinevt. 精炼,净化,使优雅 vi. 被提纯,改进
  • honen. 细磨刀石 vt. 磨刀,磨练 vi. 渴望,抱怨
  • symphonyn. 交响乐
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • choirn. 唱诗班,唱诗班的席位