日期:2010-02-24 09:24


get nailed 被痛打一顿;身体上受伤害

When I used to play rugby I'd get nailed almost every game . 当我玩橄榄球时,我每一次都会受伤.

Alex got nailed in a pub by a big guy because he was caught checking out the guys girlfriend . 艾尔利斯在酒吧被大块头打了一顿,因为他被大块头逮到在看他的好友.

get the hang of something 学会做什么(掌握某物的原理去使用它;明白这件事怎么去做)

例:I hate maths class because I can 't get the hang of geometry . 我讨厌数学课,因为我总学不会几何学.

例:It only took me a couple of hours to get the hang of how to use our new computer .只花了我几个小时的时间去学会我们的新电脑.

turn out 事情怎么发生(发展),最后成了一个什么样子

例:It turned out that we didn 't have our test today as the teacher was sick . 由于今天我们老师病了,所以我们就没有考试.

例:I didn 't like him at first but he turned out to be a really nice guy . 刚开始的时候我不太喜欢他,但后来慢慢的觉得他是个很好的人.

bag someone(不太公正的)批评某人,骂别人

例:After he missed a goal ,Beckham was bagged by his coach after the match . 当小贝射失了一次球后,被教练骂了一顿.

例:My teacher 's always bagging to my parents about my bad grades. 我的老师总是会找我父母说我的表现,因为我的分数很差.

team up 结伙,搭帮,跟某些人组成一队

例:I teamed up with a few friends to travel to Xinjiang . 我和一些朋友结伙一起去新疆旅行.

例:The two companies have teamed up to develop a new computer program .这两个公司一起联手研发一个新计算机项目.

food chain 阶层, 等级

例:He' s just joined the company , so he' s low down the food chain . 他刚加入这个公司,所以他还只是处在公司的底层.

例:Next year I' ll be top of the food chain at highschool . 明年我就在高中的最高的阶层了.

a soft spot for sb 喜欢某人/某事

例:George has a soft spot for Anni, she is like a little sister to him. 乔治对安妮有非常强的好感,安妮对他的感觉像妹妹一样.

例:I have a soft spot for Chicago because my parents met them. 我对芝加哥这个地方非常有亲切感,因为我的父母在那相遇.

at the drop of a hat 某人非常容易就去做某事(不用他人鼓励)

例:Let's invite Adam to karaoke tonight. He'll sing at the drop of a hat. 今晚让我们邀请亚当一起去卡拉OK, 他是一定会去的(因为他是个麦霸)

例:I don't like to spend money but my sister buys things at the drop of a hat . 我不太喜欢乱花钱,可我的姐姐(妹妹)花钱如流水般看见什么就买什么.

breakdown 精神崩溃

例:You work too hard. If you don't relax a little, you'll have a nervous breakdown. 你工作太辛苦了,如果你再不休息一下就要精神崩溃了.

nothing to lose ( 如果你去尝试某件事)也不会有任何损失

例:Why don' t you try out for the basketball team ? You have nothing to lose . 你为什么不去尝试去参加篮球队呢?反正你也不会有什么损失.

例:When you are young, you can do anything ,you have nothing to lose .当你还年轻的时候,你会想做自己想做的事,也不会损失什么.

moment of truth 重要的时刻, 关键的时刻,激动人心的时刻

例:It' s the moment of truth will the judge find him innocent or guilty . 现在是最关键的时刻到了,法官是判他无辜的还是有罪的.

例:The moment of truth has arrived ,My grades are in this envelope . 真正激动人心的时刻到了,我的成绩就在这信封内.

high style 高质量的生活, 很享受的生活,高档次的生活

例:When I get a good job ,we' ll be living in high style . 当我找到一份好的工作时,我们的生活质量会变得很好.

例:Flying in First Class is riding in high style .在乘座飞机的时候座头等仓是一件很享受的方式.

knock something together 很快把一件事情搞定

例:This restaurant seems like it was just knocked together yesterday .The paint is still wet .这家饭店看上去好像昨天刚刚才完功,因为油漆还是湿的.

例:Tonight's dinner was no trouble .I knocked it together in 30 minutes .今天晚上晚饭一点也不麻烦,我只用了30分钟就搞定.

solid as a rock (像岩石一样坚硬)很可靠,有安全感

例:My boyfriend is solid as a rock .I can depend on him for anything .我的男友非常可靠,我什么事情都会依靠他.

例:This car is solid as a rock .It won't break down .这辆车很坚固,所以它不会坏掉.

  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • innocentadj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的
  • envelopen. 信封,封皮,壳层
  • guiltyadj. 有罪的,内疚的