日期:2010-02-22 09:14


set up for life 衣食无忧

If I win the lottery, I'll be set up for life. 如果我中了彩票,以后生活就不用愁了.

Marry him, and she'll be set up for life. 嫁给他,她下半辈子就衣食无忧了.

nail someone to the wall 重重的惩罚谁

He got nailed to the wall for cheating. 他因为作弊而受到严重惩罚.

If you get caught stealing, you'll get nailed to the wall. 如果你偷窃被抓住,你就会受到惩罚.

get real 现实点

When I tell people that I want to be a billionaire, they just tell me to get real. 当我告诉人们我想成为百万富翁时,他们只告诉我现实点吧。

I wish my parent would get real, they think that I will graduate with the best grades in the country. 我希望我的父母现实点,他们认为我的学历是全城最好的。

few and far between 稀少

Fresh strawberries out of season are few and far between. 新鲜的草莓不适季节时很稀少。(反季节的鲜草莓很少见。)

It hasn't been a very wet summer, rainy days have been few and far between. 这不是个湿润的夏天,下雨的天气很少。

keeper 陪伴你一生的人或物

Ever since my dogs followed me home when he was a puppy.I knew he was a keeper. 我的狗当它还很多小的时候跟我回家时,我就知道它会一直陪伴我。

The photos taken on my 18th birthday party are keepers, I've framed them and hung them on the wall. 我十八岁生日party照的照片将伴我一生,我以将它们镶在像框中挂在墙上。

hang in there 保持/坚持某种状态

At first i diidn't want to finish the book because it was so long.But I hung in there and read it to the end.开始我觉得这本书太长了不想读完,后来还是坚持住了。

The hours of training everyday made the althlete want to quit, But he hung in there and won the competition. 每天那么多小时的(大量的)训练使这个运动员想放弃,但是最后还是坚持下来并且赢得了比赛(胜利)。

be wired 精力充沛

After 3 cups of coffee last night I felt totally wired. 昨天晚上喝过三杯咖啡以后我感觉精神多了。

show business 做做样子看

The manager seemed full of confidence to the other executives, but that was just show business. 经理在其他董事面前信心十足的样子,不过是做作样子而已.

It was just show business when the man tried to attract women by wearing expensive suits. 那个男的试图通过穿昂贵的衣服来吸引女性,不过是装装样子罢了.

have a crack at: 涉及……参与

I was never all athletic person,but I wanted to have a crack at basketball. 我不是个体育能手,但是我想参与篮球运动。

push somebody 惹怒

Don't push me when I'm tired or I will get angry.当我累的时候或者生气地时候不要惹我。

The students pushed the teacher so much that he resigned.学生们惹得老师太生气了,所以老师辞职了。

a power trip 自大

It was a power trip for Tim when all his classmate began asking him for help with their work.所有的同学都请他帮忙,Tim显得很自大。

When the employer is on a power trip,he think it gives him the right to be rude to everyone that works for him. 雇佣者很自大,他想他有权力让每个人为他工作。

see someone's moves 表现,展示

The camerman told the model he wanted to see her moves for the music video.摄影师告诉模特他要看看她是否适合那个音乐。

He loved going to nightclubs because all the girls could see his moves on the dance.他很喜欢去酒吧,因为那里所有的女孩都看他的舞姿。

on the spot: 立刻,立即

When the boy told his girlfriend that he had cheated on her,she broke up on the spot.当男孩告诉他女朋友他欺骗了她时,她就马上与他分手了。

The woman stowted spending money on the spot after she found she win a prize.这个女人在她中奖以后就大把的花钱。

owe one's a favor 欠一个人情

I owe my sister a favor because she lent me money when I couldn't pay my rent.我前我姐姐一个人情,因为在我付不起房租的时候她借钱给了我。

Just because he gave me a ride home, he thinks I owe him a favor in return. 就因为他让我搭他车回家,他就认为我该还他的人情。
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • lotteryn. 彩票
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • crackv. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑 n.
  • resignedadj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去
  • rudeadj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 adj. 粗糙的,粗野的
  • athleticadj. 运动的,活跃的,健壮的